The Ministry of Evangelization, Catechesis, and Catholic School encompasses specific
evangelization efforts, catechetical processes and programming. It should be noted that
while evangelization—the proclamation of the Good News to all humanity is the work of
all ministries; there are times when special efforts need to be placed on reenergizing the
community so that it focuses on spreading the Gospel message.
This committee and any appropriate subcommittees are to oversee the ministry area to
ensure that the needs of the parishioners are being met in terms of various aspects of faith
formation and that there is adequate training for those who minister in this area. This
parish committee may also do some planning and implementation of programs with other
parish cluster committees.
Specific ministries, which come under the umbrella of evangelization, catechesis and
catholic schools, are:
CCD—Religious Education
RCIA—Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults
Education Commission
365 Youth Group
Pastoral Care
Catholic Book Club